Thursday 16 October 2008

Something to think about

Being situated on a farm, we're used to being surrounded by animals but no matter how many lambs, calves and goslings are born here, we still love our cats & dogs.

Recently we adopted 2 puppies; a kelpie cross & a lab x border collie, from We Care Animal Shelter in Stanthorpe - set up by a local woman, in order to ensure no animal is without a home. However, it has come to our attention that this shelter will not be able to continue, unless it is able to raise more funds, as the cost of food and basic care materials rise and more animals are handed in on a weekly basis.

We at Claudia's Country Restaurant & Thunderbolt Farm, see this as something the community here in Stanthorpe and the surrounding areas, need to get involved in. Educating pet owners on the need to desex animals at a young age is vital in helping to curb the number of unwanted animals reaching the doors of the We Care Animal Shelter - but funds / food & basics are also essential.

Watch this space as we prepare to activate the community & set up some fund-raising initiatives!

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